Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why Don’t the Amish Have Autistic Children?

the following is a direct copy of an article printed in on the website  http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org on June 2 2009


the other date is the date the the reporter originally filed the article.


Joseph Mercola, DO

May 4, 2005

Autism is a difficult disorder to miss, as it is characterized by noticeably abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted array of activities and interests. And while scientific consensus claims autism has been around for millennia at generally the same prevalence, that prevalence is now considered to be one in every 166 children born in the United States.

Therefore, with this devastating statistic in mind, one reporter set out to analyze the autism rates among Amish communities. Why? Because perhaps searching for autistic Amish children would reveal clues to the cause of autism … and it did.

The Clues Come Together

Since they have been cut off for hundreds of years from American culture and scientific progress, the Amish may have had less exposure to some new factor triggering autism in the rest of population. The likely culprit: vaccines.

Traveling to the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country in search of autistic Amish children, the reporter, based on national statistics, should have found as many as 200 children with autism in the community — instead, he found only three, the oldest age 9 or 10:

  • The first autistic Amish child was a girl who had been brought over from China, adopted by one family only to be given up after becoming overwhelmed by her autism, and then re-adopted by an Amish Mennonite family. (China, India and Indonesia are among countries moving fast to mass-vaccination programs.)
  • The second autistic Amish child definitely had received a vaccination and developed autism shortly thereafter.
  • The reporter was unable to determine the vaccination status of the third child.

Dangerous Effects of Thimerosal

In some vaccines, they use a mercury-based preservative called thimerosal that keeps multiple-dose vials from becoming contaminated by repeated needle sticks. After health officials became concerned about the amount of mercury infants and children were receiving through thimerosal-tainted vaccines, the toxin was phased out of U.S. vaccines starting in 1999.

However, due to mislabelling and other problems, its presence is still being felt, and more and more children are suffering because of it.

Does anyone out there really need more evidence than this?

Admittedly, this was not a placebo-controlled scientific trial but an evidence-based fact analysis that, in my mind, provides an irrefutable link to a lifestyle and, most likely, mercury-containing vaccine connection to autism.

Folks, you don’t have to be a medical doctor, hold advanced epidemiology degrees or teach molecular genetics to figure this one out. You don’t even need a degree in rocket science. How much more obvious could it be?

The link between autism and vaccines is certainly not a new idea. In fact, suggestions of this link have been in the national news for at least six years now. Just last year a study, that reviewed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Data Link, concluded that children who receive thimerosal-containing vaccinations are 27 times more likely to develop autism than children who do not.

That’s a 2,700 percent increase. The numbers just don’t lie.

Considering how important this issue is for nearly everyone you know, it might be a good one to forward to your friends and relatives. You can easily do this by using the E-mail to a friend button in the upper right hand section of this page, just under the search box. You can make a larger impact if you write them a personal message in the e-mail as to why they should seriously consider the advice — and why they may want to subscribe to the newsletter.

This most recent investigation simply provides the proverbial icing on the cake. There aren’t too many other places, if any, in America where you can find large groups of children who haven’t been vaccinated.

The reporter found three children with autism. One child was adopted and previously vaccinated, another was one of the few Amish children who were vaccinated, and the third had an unclear vaccine history. That leaves, at most, potentially one child out of an expected 200 (from national statistics) with autism. The odds of this being mere coincidence are slim to none.

At Least Change the Rules Concerning the Hepatitis B Vaccine

Because of their religious beliefs, the Amish community chooses not to give their children any vaccines. Understandably, many of you may not choose such a radical approach. However, if you were to focus on just one vaccine, I would encourage you to look at the issues surrounding the hepatitis B vaccine.

The multi-dose version of this vaccine, which is typically administered to newborns before they leave the hospital, still contains thimerosal. This is reprehensible, irresponsible negligence of the highest magnitude. The immature central nervous systems of these helpless newborns are particularly susceptible to toxic insults, and thimerosal, the mercury-containing preservative used in these vaccines, is one of the worst.

It would be much easier to understand if the hepatitis B vaccine had some value, but most natural health experts who study this are convinced that this is nearly always an absolutely unnecessary vaccine.

There are only about 5,000 people a year who develop the most serious consequence of hepatitis B infection, liver cancer. That means we are immunizing tens of millions of infants and causing brain injury that has caused an epidemic of autism to protect liver cancer in 5,000 adults. And, many of these adults have serious social problems like IV drug abuse, alcoholism and poor nutrition that seriously increases their risk for this disease.

Mason’s Alert: Autism’s Version of Amber Alert

Action is presently being taken in the US to attempt to have a new designation put in place on an alert system.


Unlike an Amber alert which is used in kidnapping cases where it is believed that the child is in imminent danger, Mason’s Alert is aimed at having public looking for a child who has wandered away.


The issue with autistics wandering away is extreme. The reason is that 92% of autism cases are believed to be prone to wandering and the major issue being that Autistics generally do not feel the same dangers that normal children would feel.


In our case, our child has wandered in the past, our child unlocked the door and walked out in bare feet playing a handheld video game. He wandered down a gravel driveway, across a street down three blocks to a major street and was picked up by a passer-by wandering down the yellow line. The passer-by called the police just as my wife was calling the police and we picked him up a few minutes later. However at 6 years old non verbal and without fear we spent a frantic 15 minutes searching the house and neighbourhood before calling the police and yes we were freaking. But we got lucky. In many cases these children are not always so lucky. Many autistics are attracted to water and most show very little fear. A large number of autistic children have been pulled from neighbouring lakes and swimming pools and in some cases police were slow to respond because the child had wandered and was considered likely to return on their own. With autistics this is never a guarantee and not a chance we can take.


Canada also needs to look into a Mason’s alert system that would quickly and instantly broadcast details of a wandering autistic child. We need to protect them because so often many of them cannot protect themselves.


I am going to place a link here to Mason’s Alert but please follow this link with caution what you will see there will break your heart as it is not filled with feel good stories but a list of those who have wandered away with drastic consequences. You will quickly understand why a system like this is needed for those who do not fall under the Amber Alert program criteria

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vaccines and Autism: How to Cover Yourself

What you see here may surprise you. The links are there and some medical people in high places can see it.


Now under no circumstances do I suggest that the standard regime vaccines should not be given to your child.


Our youngest has not had hers yet but we fully intend on her getting her full regime of standard vaccinations.


However here is the key issue. This time when our daughter is vaccinated we will be taking a fully intensive video registry of her behaviours over a month or two period before, during and a month or two after the vaccinations.


While I am not absolutely positive that our daughter will develop autism I am also not going to take the chance. I am going to document her history and behaviours and if there is an issue that develops we are going to have the video record.


Also as point of fact to back away from having it buried in the 18th month debate we will be going later then that for the MMR vaccine to eliminate possible time confusions.


I do believe that Vaccines do trigger autism. Whether the underlying issue is a mitochondrial issue or is something else entirely there is a definitive trigger. While we need to find the underlying issue we also need to find the trigger and until we do it is my personal recommendation that every parent who can do a seriously intensive video record of your child’s behaviour up to during and after vaccination because if we are going to get the message out there we must do it through solid documented proof.


This is the first step to document and prove that the timeline does parallel the vaccination schedule.


Part two will be getting Government to actually fund proper testing to find the real trigger and the real cause regardless of the pharmaceutical lobby’s self centered profit driven interest in keeping this information buried in the darkest recesses of the most hidden place they can find.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gary McKinnon: Travesty of Justice in the Making

There is a story barely reported of a UK man (Gary McKinnon) who is being charged in the US with computer crimes due to hacking into the NASA and DOD computer systems.


Gary McKinnon is a 39 yr. old man with Asperger’s  who is facing 60 years in jail because he wanted to know for sure if the US had found aliens and were hiding the fact. While it is interesting that he does not deny having found anything of the sort, this would actually come as no surprise to the large portion of the population anyway.


What seems to be at issue is that Mr. McKinnon got in and out of the computers pretty much at will and searched through large volumes of “restricted material” including looking for answers to questions surrounding the 9-11 attacks and the fact that he is quite forthright in his statements that it appears that the US had fully functioning anti-gravity devices (something that would negate oil as a major energy source).


Now in almost all past hack attacks at the pentagon, NASA and DOD, the perpetrators were almost always offered a major computer contract and all concepts that there may have been any breaches in security were buried. Now this leads to a few questions. Did Mr. McKinnon get into details and areas that previous hackers were not able to reach? Is his age and ASD affecting the Government’s urge to overkill the issue rather then hire him? Is the fact that Mr. McKinnon believes that some of these details belong in the public domain a major factor in attempting to bury his findings?


ASD or in this case the branch of ASD that includes Asperger’s includes aspects that makes even charging him with these crimes rather ludicrous let alone the fact that they are attempting to attach as much as 60 yrs. or the remainder of his natural life in prison.


Now lets look at this from a realistic standpoint they are looking at putting an autistic person in prison for the rest of his natural life for HACKING this is so stupid as to be laughable, except this is the same country that less then a year ago executed an autistic person so we already know that they have no understanding of autism and care only for making themselves look good at the expense of anyone who is different.


While I have had high hopes for Obama, I am rather quickly losing any hope that he is anything other then just as far an extreme right winger as any Republican to hold office. This case could and should have been terminated by his office soon after he was elected.


I would call specifically on Obama and Cameron to terminate this assault on the Autism Spectrum and if they refuse i Call on Prime Minister Harper to offer Mr. McKinnon political asylum and on Mr. Ban Ki Moon to suggest sanctions against these two countries for the atrocity they are attempting to perpetuate.

Monday, September 27, 2010

PC/Liberal Coalition are Blatantly Flaunting Election Laws

It appears that to some degree yesterday and definitely today the phone calls have been ongoing

Several people on twitter are complaining that both PC’s and Liberals are calling voters today trying to drum up support

This is in blatant violation of the Elections Act and should show people just how much they care about the people in this province.

They have absolutely no concern for the voters or for the law and this will show you just how much they will care for their promises once the election is over and votes are counted.

I do not know what the penalty is for this type of violation but several ridings are involved to the best of what i can determine on Twitter.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Media Voter Manipulation is it an Illegal Campaign Donation

The time has come to ask ourselves some harsh questions

1. Does the obvious voter manipulation by the media, by ignoring two parties during an election campaign while covering the large majority of the campaign of another party and reporting on every breath and bite of food by the remaining two, amount to illegal campaign donations.

Here is the logic. If all parties are not treated equally by the media then it stands to reason that the extra coverage given amounts to paid advertising. Now since to my knowledge no party has paid for the “news coverage” of their election campaign this must therefore be a donation by the Networks in question. Now to calculate the value of this donation all you need to do is find the value of any 30 second commercial in this particular timeslot and multiply it by the amount of time the “advertisement” runs. If you add it up at the end of the campaign i expect you will see the two main parties received “donations” way in excess of the 6000 dollar limit imposed by the elections act. This would apply equally to “news broadcasts” and “round tables or debates”

2. Does this acceptance of these “illegal campaign donations” constitute an over expenditure by the parties in question. As in addition to accepting the “illegal campaign donation” they also have “spent” that “donation” by accepting a different level of media coverage of themselves over other parties.

3. does this voter manipulation in some way actually contravene the elections act by fraudulently denying the public the opportunity to hear the views and platforms of all parties who are running candidates in the election

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vote With Your Heart but Vote You Must

On September 27, 2010 we will head to the polls, and this time more then any it is time to put plotting aside and look to your deepest heart.

Every vote in this election will count, whether it be the vote for one of the two mainstream parties or the vote for one of the three other parties all contesting for seats in this election. This time every person in the province really should vote. If you can’t stand Shawn Graham, look through all the other 4 parties platforms and choose the one that best suits you. If David Alward scares you that badly, look through all the other 4 parties platforms and choose the one that best suits you. Realistically when only 60% of the province votes as a general rule then if everyone votes all options are really and truly open. Look at everyone and every thing, choose the party or choose the local candidate whose views best match your own and take now as the opportunity to learn everything you can because in just under a week one of the most important days in reshaping the future of this province will be upon you.

Stand up and be counted. More importantly make your voice heard loud and clear. If you think the two mainstream parties are really no different then each other and that is your reason not to vote then look at the rest of the parties and choose one of them.

Every person that stays home without voting is blindly casting their lot for the status quo. Even if the minor parties do not win the election overall every vote that goes to one of those parties is a direct message to the mainstream parties that we are no longer going to continue to support the status quo. If enough people stand up to be counted and enough people vote for change, even if it does not end in a complete change in government it will send a message to strong to be ignored


Stand up and let your message be heard

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Is This the Year to Vote Your True Intentions

When recent polling numbers are looked at we see Conservatives holding a 10 Point lead on the Liberals and perhaps as much as a 20 seat lead in the legislature.

What this actually means is that those who over the years have constantly been voting against the party they wanted not to form government by voting for the other strong party really does have a new option. With 5 parties involved in this election and this dramatic a lead for the Conservatives it is high time voters started to ask themselves “is this the year I vote my true convictions” and the answer really is “yes”

The reason is that going with your true party leanings will affect the vote in a few ridings and it will likely put a presence for each of the three remaining parties into the legislature. It will likely draw support from both main parties meaning that in the end it should not affect the overall split between them to significantly as the Liberals who can readily see the loss coming, as well as the Conservatives who readily see a win coming will retain a base level of support that will be likely on par with what is presently seen in the polls. The only true difference will be the increase in presence for the minor parties which will lead to a stronger voice in the legislature for those who are looking to make a difference.

PANB has seats that are definitely in play and each of the other parties have candidates that could take their ridings with a shift in voting practices from voting “against” to voting “for” and this election with such a wide margin between the two main parties is an ideal year to let your true feeling show.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Panb Candidates Are All In Play

I have been looking around for the past couple of days and I have noticed a few little details.

We first started seeing a renewed interest in our candidates and platforms with the release of our Energy Platform and then things started to pick up even more when we released our Autism Platform yesterday morning.

But last night we blew things out of the water during the Leaders debate.

From what i have been hearing and seeing on various boards, blogs, and twitter it appears that more and more people are checking us out.

What is even more impressive is that from what i am hearing between those who are planning on voting for us and those who are leaning that direction if they thought we could take that individual seat we seem to be in play in every riding that we have a candidate in and not surprisingly we even seem like we would be in play in a few where we don't have candidates.

So this message is for two groups.

To the candidates our message is getting out and it is being well received.

To those who are voting for us and those who are thinking of voting for us we thank you for your support because it really appears that on the 27th your vote will not be wasted it looks like we will have a voice in Fredericton and it looks like we will have more then one

You are asking for change, you are voting for change and we are going to give you change

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Autism Platform

Autism is a debilitating mental disease with a few disturbing trends.
1/ it’s cause is found to be 2% genetic.
2/ the remaining 98% is unknown but believed to be environmental
3/ there is no known cure but there is treatment that can make the disease manageable in most
4/ those with autism can live a full normal lifespan
5/ one in 100 children born have autism the large percentage of that boys
6/ in the last 20 years autism cases have increased by over 60%
It can be treated and those who suffer it can live as long as a normal person.
This means that if someone has the disease and is not treated they can require constant care 24/hrs a day for as much as 70-80 years. This care would require a person trained to deal specifically with autistic patients and each carer can only deal with one person at any one time.
With treatment many of these individuals can lead lives that are close to normal and in some cases can be extremely productive. Two examples of extremely productive Autistic individuals are Albert Einstein and Temple Grandin (an animal treatment expert and public speaker). It is also believed that many comedians are either autistic or ADHD though one of the best examples who I believe is closest to autism  is Adam Sandler.
So with treatment we know they can be productive and in some cases extremely productive. And yet almost all governments prefer to ignore these individuals and their disease with very few providing sufficient resources to properly treat this disease.
Treatment of Autism is done through a program called ABA therapy. A one on one behavioural therapy that in some cases can result in those treated being able to function almost fully in society.
PANB recommends
1/ All autistic children have access to 4 hours a day of ABA training through to kindergarten.
2/ All autistic children have access to 1-2 hours a day of ABA training through all school years until graduation either from high school or university as part of their standard school day.
3/ All autistic children should be taught in school using ABA methods by ABA trained TA’s as this is proven to improve their learning ability
4/ The creation of both an Adult care facility and a Youth care facility be built in Fredericton in conjunction with the Stan Cassidy Center which will care for those Autistic individuals who can no longer be cared for by the normal caregivers of these individuals. This care should focus on multiple facets but should include ABA training to create the possibility that even adults could potentially be helped by ABA be given that opportunity.
5/ All autistic individuals even after graduation should have access to ABA training for short term or long term if there ability to function properly in society diminishes or disappears for any reason.
6/ An attempt to find a further cure and treatment options should be continued through partnership with the Universities in this province, The Stan Cassidy centre and the Federal government
7/ As it has been determined by various parents of autistic children that not in all situations does full integration work with ALL autistic children, A program should be put in place that would allow parents and resource workers as well as TA’s to work together to create a modified part time integrated program that would better meet the needs of the individual student if the situation warrants this.
8/ changes to the disability benefit to allow staggering levels of benefit that recognizes the level of care required as well as the requirements to replace property increasingly due to high increase in breakage due to rocking behaviours etc common amongst autistic children.
9/ Summer autism camps during school breaks should be made available to allow children the ability to socialize with those like themselves amongst trained carers.
It should be realized that both the Liberals and Conservatives were made aware as far back as 2005 of the necessity of a Care Facility in this province when it was made public during the Conservative  years of that time that we were being forced to send those individuals with autism that required long term care to Maine to be housed there as we had no facilities in this province. The conservatives of the time had no interest in developing a treatment center.
During this period the Liberals were vocal in their disapproval of the fact our citizens were being cared for out of country due to no facilities in this province however their dedication to this file was shown during the recent 4 years when no attempt at creating a long term care facility was done regardless of repeated requests.
John Foran was aware of a case in 2005 where a youth was housed at the Miramichi Youth Centre under the direct care of 2 carers from a private company at the cost of 700$ a day because we did not have the facilities in this province to properly house him and from there he was transferred to Maine because the Conservatives would not address this lack of facility.
And yet during the entire 4 year mandate of the liberals not one thing was done to change this lack of care centres either.
PANB is the only party that will push for a drastic improvement to how these autistic individuals in our care are treated.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fear Factor: Keeping Innovation Out of the Debates

So it appears that CTV Atlantic has not offered the opportunity to the PANB or to the Green Party to participate in the televised leaders debate.
Now i understand we are new but to be so scared that the innovation of the new party will engage the voters that you don't invite them to the debate seems childish and almost playground bullying.
We have been aware for a while that the Libs and Cons are not thrilled with our innovative thoughts of actually talking to our constituents between elections.  And we know that the fact that the PANB intends on actually letting their members follow the wishes of their constituents completely scares the shit out of them.
But to resort to the tactics of trying to stop their message from getting through to the electorate is almost laughable.
I guess now we know how scared the two main parties are and we know that fear has translated to the on air and off air personalities in various media who strongly support either one party or the other.
And it should be noted that some on air personalities have gotten so bad that unless they are hammered with the information live they are almost refusing to mention this party at any time in their political discussion.
So while I am concerned that the people will not hear the true message our party has to offer I am also completely amused that we have in 6 months caused this level of fear that we are being blocked from participating in on air leaders debates because people are scared that once the public hears us they might actually demand the same accountability out of the other parties and that will so seriously damage the level of control insiders and the party leaders hold while they tell their people exactly how to answer any given question.

Is There a Message Here: Damaged Election Signs


There is a great bit of disgust over the high amount of damage being done to election signs this year and I do actually share that disgust.

That said I wonder if some members of the public are trying to send a message. In usual years you would get a few trashed signs and the almost guaranteed moustache or goatee however this year it has gone far beyond that costing some candidates over 1000 dollars to replace damaged signs as well as the volunteer hours to do this.

My question is this. Are some members of the public trying to express their disgust with the party/individual in question or are they questioning the polling numbers showing such strong support for the two main parties. It is hard to say and in reality that could be the problem as the message at the door says the libs and cons should both be toast on the 28th yet the polling numbers are saying different.

There is one disturbing set of incidents with some Riverview signs that as far as I am concerned is likely not related to this type of mindset at all but a rather far more problematic issue of either personal dislike for a candidate or a personal dislike of women candidates in general though if the last was true i would expect that the damage would have carried farther into Moncton and Dieppe where there are also women candidates running and equally or even slightly more high profile.

Basically if you factor out the Riverview incidents as being separate and specific to that candidate or area the remainder of the sign damage issues appear directed at individuals or party members either for disgust at the individual or party or perhaps to show disagreement for the polling numbers.

As far as i am concerned the Riverview issue is by definite a legal issue that needs to be dealt with by the police as the issues shown by the damage done to those specific signs are incredibly disturbing.

But parties take note the vast majority of the sign damage is likely due to low impressions of the party/individual by some voters in that area

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Myth’s Surrounding Corporate Tax Hikes/Cuts


Two myths seem to abound regarding corporate tax hikes and cuts that surprise me. I guess the level of fear mongering regarding these issues just blows me away.

Myth number 1

If you do not cut taxes businesses will not move to our province.

What most politicians fail to tell you is it does not matter to an existing business if you cut taxes or not. Unless they are paying an exorbitant tax rate in comparison to what we offer, they are not moving.

The reason is simple. You need to take into account the expense of moving a company, buying new property, building new factory, getting new equipment, etc. The added expense of shipping material here as well as shipping product from here further complicate matters. So unless a company does not have a physical location or is looking to open a new location it is highly unlikely to move as it is simply not cost efficient.

Myth number 2

If you raise taxes businesses will leave this province.

The problem here is close to the same. A company would have to shut down existing facilities, ship materials from here as well as purchase new property and build a new factory (both of which cost far more money in western provinces then it does here )


The reality is we need to look not at existing companies but at new corporations just setting up for the first time. We need to convince entrepreneurs from here that they should set up here and attract new entrepreneurs from elsewhere. There is no percentage in poaching companies from other jurisdictions because you will basically have to pay for their new facilities to make it worth their while.


Our present tax rates are not the real issue to job creation regardless what the Con/Lib conspiracy theorists will try to say to you. The real issue is creating a good solid workforce that is capable of producing the product and offering as good a value for services as other provinces can offer.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Lepreau Disaster

Both the Cons and Libs share equal responsibility in the disaster that is the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau generating station. The refurbishment was started under a Con government and the delays allowed to progress without serious attention during a Lib government.


The real issue at this point is how come neither party when discussing the present situation are actually dealing with the facts.


The contract is 2 and a half years behind schedule which is a major breach of contract. Under no circumstances would any contract in the  business world allow a delay of that extremes without serious financial reprecussions for the contractors.


The only acceptable response from AECL at this point should be that all overrun costs will be born by AECL including the cost of replacement power past the point at which the contract was initially due to be completed.


Both parties are being extremely wishy washy regarding how they will approach the situation with Harper.



The Federal government as well as AECL must be sent a bill for all costs associated with the delays at the Point Lepreau generating station and told that as they have been unable to meet their end of the contract that they will be required to pay the financial reprecussions for their failures.

This is the only acceptable option.


We do not get this type of leadership with either Shawn Graham or David Alward

Monday, August 23, 2010

Proportional Representation and the Lib/Con Fear


I guess it is a valid fear. Unless a third party or a coalition forms government we are not likely to see Proportional Representation in any form. The reason is quite simple.

Under a Proportional Representation system it is quite likely that there could be an election with neither a con or a lib elected. It does largely depend on the methods used but if an electorate is given the freedom of understanding that they can for example no longer have to worry that a vote for the Cons is the only way to defeat the Libs  or that a vote for the Libs is the only way to defeat the Cons they are going to be more likely to support their first choice instead of a supposed least worst of two choices.

Now this particular election is going to be interesting as i see a realistic chance for both the PANB and even the NDP to gain seats in this election. I also believe that it is possible for the Green party to get a seat or two.

The truth it is a realistic option for this election to produce a minority government and that worries both major parties because it has been so long since they were faced with a minority govt that they would not be sure how to proceed.

A minority govt would at this time be the best option for this province barring a flat out PANB win.

But on the base issue of Proportional Representation if the two main parties had to go up in this election facing a ranking system and the other three parties each had 55 candidates on the ballot they know that it would be highly unlikely that they would have more then two or three seats each.

That fear and that knowledge is why unless a third party ever carries the balance of power or holds power it is unlikely that they will ever face a proportional representational ballot. Especially one of a ranking system.

Most especially though this election would annihilate both parties beyond the point of recognition and that is why they would never countenance facing a ranking system of ballots in a proportional representation vote if the Libs and Cons have any say in the matter.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not a Real Party? Debunking the Myth

  1. Joe FitzPatrick JoeFitzIII @carlbainbridge @PANBParty Have to say, TJ piece reads like PANB has "unnecessary services" in mind but won't say. #nbvotes
  2. Joe FitzPatrick JoeFitzIII Not really a party at all. But that's the point. RT @PANBParty ‘We are not a typical political party’ http://nblo.gs/74f9R #nbvotes

This blog post is realistically in response to JoeFitzIII and is in response to his mistaken belief that we might not be a real party at all.

I do have to admit when it comes to sticking a knife in the backs of our constituents we may actually be a bit inexperienced.

I also tend to agree that when it comes to blatant lying to get the votes we need to form a government we really have not got that part down yet.

And if this sort of track record is what you are looking for then it is true we may not be a real party at all. But it means that we are an innovative party. Why? Maybe, because we wont stoop to the level of lying and cheating that REAL parties have made such an art form of.

And I don’t really fault people for being scared of this. When people are so used to the backstabbing and lying that has become a tradition as well as an art form it is hard to get used to the idea that just maybe there may be a party showing up that does not follow the  predetermined rules of graft and greed that  have been silently agreed to for so long by the major parties for the last few decades.  And the voters are scared simply because many of them cannot remember the last time honesty existed in politics and with what they have seen in their lifetimes most are hard pressed to accept that change.


We are gradually getting the message to people and it is being well received, probably far better then makes the REAL parties comfortable because they are scared we are going to change the rules and take away their way of lining the pockets of themselves and their friends and instead will  only be left with actually improving the province as a way to improve their own situation. We admit we would make it difficult for them to continue business as normal. And i do admit we are not the least bit apologetic about it.


As far as whether or not we have a specific unnecessary service in mind. No we do not have a specific plan to cut any services. If it becomes absolutely necessary we might have to however instead what we intend on doing is going inside the actual programs and services and doing what is available to be done to increase the efficiency and response of the programs. We will do what is required to make sure that more of the money put into programs is actually going into actually serving the people and less into administration simply by eliminating duplications and red tape.

so i have to say no if what we have as a model is a REAL political party then i guess we just might not be but we are an innovative political party and that should scare the entitled.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Equality is the Bottom Line of Self Sufficiency

One thing that has become increasingly evident to me as i have looked at things over the last few weeks is how much the two main parties thrive on divisiveness.

The point was made last night in a very strong way when it was pointed out to me that if I want access to a certain program that it would have to be at the expense of another group. At no point should one groups’ access to any given program cause another group to be denied that same program.

This is the type of behaviour that has kept this province on edge for years by way of keeping tensions high between French /English  groups as well as low income/high income/middle class earners

Why is this so popular? Well that is largely because when groups are at such odds then they are less likely to look closely at the real issues of what the governments are doing and instead look at each other with hatred, both sides saying why do they get this and we don’t.

The answer is simple because by doing this you don’t realize what else the government is doing behind your back and so you are less likely to call them to account for their poor behaviour and lack of integrity

What needs to be done is treat people as EQUALS.

I understand how the governments would find this to be a serious inconvenience. It requires they actually pay attention to details and that they behave with integrity and this is something that might be difficult for them to achieve, however it is a path we should be moving towards.

There is no reason why there should be any tensions between English and French in this province just as there should be no tensions between the low income, middle income, or high income earners because if the government treated each group fairly and equally then there would be no tensions and hard feelings.

The worst part is EQUALITY is so easily achievable and so strongly desired by so many in this province.

Tensions in this province are caused by two main sources. One is government choosing to depending on the situation ignore one group in favour of others. The other is out of province provocateurs deliberately trying to stir things up so that various groups are at odds with each other.

In each case their is an agenda being served. The out of town provocateurs stir things in an attempt to keep their issues to a forefront and the government attempts to keep people at odds so their own behaviours are not questioned.

The government could easily and should easily make things equal for all people in the province, and the government could easily solve the problem with out of town provocateurs by putting legislation into place either moving a specific agenda ahead or terminating the attempt.

There is no realistic barrier in this province to EQUALITY except for the government itself and the petty games it likes to play with the people of this province who are looking to the government for the solutions to many problems and instead finding in the government only another problem that will one day need to be fixed.

The liberals for a party that promised us SELF SUFFICIENCY, has damaged our chances of achieving that simply by stirring the divisiveness and encouraging it instead of doing the best they could to help all the people in this province move forward to a better situation so that this province sooner rather then later can become self sufficient.

This will not happen as long as we continually repeat the cycle of lib/con and on and on as they have proven time and again they will divide us and they will conquer us and they will drive our provincial debt to a point where in the future the province itself could face bankruptcy simply because they lib/con cycle is so centered on improving their own situations instead of improving the situations of the rest of the province as a whole.

EQUALITY and SELF SUFFICIENCY can never be achieved while we continually kneel at the altar of the lib/con cycle

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It Has Been an Interesting Week

Over the run of the last week most of the higher ranking members of our party and our most visible candidate have been subject to what can only be termed (hopefully) as an extremely unlucky coincidence of problems

It started with our President being hit first with a double whammy when there was a review of their pension followed by a complete loss of internet. While the pension review is an annoyance now, it will be quickly solved and moved past however the internet is becoming a problem as they tries to change providers and finding it will take over  a week to get back online

We follow by having our Executive director lose their phone line to some form of damage and being informed it will take at least a week for that to be fixed.

We move on then to our VP who had their complete bank account cleaned out in a card skimming fraud scheme. This will take between one to two weeks to clear up and have funds returned.

Then we move on to our leader having the office line for the party lost to some form of damage and being told it was going to take most of a week to return it to service.

Lastly one of our candidates was informed that a long term client would no longer be requiring their services.

If someone was a bit paranoid it would not take much of a stretch to look at this weeks luck and think that perhaps someone was attempting to remove this party from contention by blunt force.

The question then would be who would be that scared of us they would go to that degree of hassle to try to cut the head of the party off from its members


That said the large majority of these issues are being dealt with in stride and we move on quickly and without any serious damage to release even more nominations and more riding associations as we move closer to preparing for our next election

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Interesting Trend is Developing

I am finding more and more as we get closer and closer to the drop of the writ for the Sept 27,2010 election here that there is an interesting trend occurring. This trend is the increasing amount of discussion over language rights and sign language laws in this province.


I am not certain exactly certain what the point is of this being an issue for one side the other i understand why they want it to be an issue however i do not feel that even they would be best served by making it an issue either.


On one hand we have the Anglo Society which wants nothing less then the complete elimination of bilingualism in this province. This has less than no chance of succeeding as the Human Rights act has been written in such a way as to include NB bilingualism meaning that only a court order or a change at the federal level could eliminate this from our lives. So while i see why they would love to have this as a feature in this election and they feel that a position in their favour by any party could sway significant votes to that party, no party will touch it because they have no hope of changing it and outside of a extremely vocal minority there is very little support for it. Any party grasping on to this position could probably gain a seat or two maybe even up to four in the south east portion of the province however they would lose major support in other areas. It is a position that could change the face of an election but for the party that took their position not likely for the better.


On the other hand we have the group from Quebec that is pushing bilingual sign laws. This group will find little to no benefit in any way from this becoming an election issue. Unless they are being paid by a local party to stir up trouble in the approach to an election there is nothing to be gained by forcing this issue into an election issue. Any party that supports them will gain seats in francophone regions of the province while any party that does not support them yet is careful in choosing their position will see almost zero impact on their vote share. That said a poorly chosen position will that does not support them will cause a negative effect in francophone regions of the province.


There is very little to be gained by either group in pushing this issue into an election issue however one may not recognize that fact.


What would better serve anglophone New Brunswicker’s would be for a group to appear that was not against bilingualism but still promoted anglo culture and heritage to the extent that the acadian groups do. If a group of that sort were to arrive on the scene it could potentially influence a large number of anglo NBer’s in a very positive way while doing nothing to diminish the value and heritage of the francophone NBer’s and their culture which would by far be the best situation for the entire province.