Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fear Factor: Keeping Innovation Out of the Debates

So it appears that CTV Atlantic has not offered the opportunity to the PANB or to the Green Party to participate in the televised leaders debate.
Now i understand we are new but to be so scared that the innovation of the new party will engage the voters that you don't invite them to the debate seems childish and almost playground bullying.
We have been aware for a while that the Libs and Cons are not thrilled with our innovative thoughts of actually talking to our constituents between elections.  And we know that the fact that the PANB intends on actually letting their members follow the wishes of their constituents completely scares the shit out of them.
But to resort to the tactics of trying to stop their message from getting through to the electorate is almost laughable.
I guess now we know how scared the two main parties are and we know that fear has translated to the on air and off air personalities in various media who strongly support either one party or the other.
And it should be noted that some on air personalities have gotten so bad that unless they are hammered with the information live they are almost refusing to mention this party at any time in their political discussion.
So while I am concerned that the people will not hear the true message our party has to offer I am also completely amused that we have in 6 months caused this level of fear that we are being blocked from participating in on air leaders debates because people are scared that once the public hears us they might actually demand the same accountability out of the other parties and that will so seriously damage the level of control insiders and the party leaders hold while they tell their people exactly how to answer any given question.

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